The Centre for Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry is one of the world’s leading centres for Neurological Diseases and is widely renowned for stroke research and treatment applying multidisciplinary approaches. Within the centre the “Modelling of Stroke” research group headed by Dr. Dietmar Frey comprises an interdisciplinary team of neurologists, neurosurgeons and software developers with a focus on mechanistic and phenomenological modelling in stroke. The group members were and are involved in projects developing a novel mechanistic biophysiological model that can predict blood flow and perfusion in stroke patients as well predictive imaging-based phenomenological models for stroke outcome. A focus of the group is the translation of modelling approaches into usable clinical applications with a dedicated software development team. Additionally, the group has a strong cooperation with the Centre for Stroke Research Berlin (CSB). The CSB provides a unique infrastructure where a dedicated team of neurologists provides 24/7 surveillance of all Charité hospitals for inclusion of stroke patients in clinical studies. With approx. 3000 strokes per year and the trial team concept, Charité is exceptionally qualified for the conduct of high-volume state-of-the-art clinical studies. The unique skill profile of the “Modelling of Stroke” team bridging clinical expertise, modelling expertise and software development is a major asset for the proposal qualifying Charite for the scientific lead.

Dietmar Frey

Vince Madai

Michelle Livne