AOK Northeast – GeWINO (Germany)

Since more than 100 years AOK is the largest public health insurance in Germany covering currently about 25 Mill. Members in all Regions of the Federal Republic of Germany. AOK Northeast is the northeast branch of AOK covering about 2 Mill. Members in the German states of Berlin, Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. GeWINO is the scientific and innovation unit within AOK Northeast founded in 2014 focusing on modern data analysis and technology in order to identify gaps in care and develop accepted innovative care models to improve and evaluate outcomes of care. In his short lifetime the AOK GeWINO institute has developed several models to predict cost and hospitalization for specific indications i.e. chronic wounds, depression and Chronic Kidney Disease. These models have been developed using big data analysis methods and applied to existing as well as new care models. In order to evaluate the effect three general principles: deviation from prediction, compare to correlation adjusted control and paired comparison to propensity matched control have been implemented and applied to more than 20 care contracts. The measured effects serve for benefit calculation of providers in existing and new shared benefit reimbursement models. Beside these analytic tasks GeWINO conducts own observatory studies approved by the legal authorities i.e. the First and Second Berlin Migrant study, the e-health – Acceptance study of digital training aids and the study of information needs in special life situations. Based on its vast research data base of secondary claims data GeWINO conducts and publishes annual analytic reports like the Northeast nursing report, the specialized outpatient care report and the child report. These reports aim to investigate the regional development and comparison of care between small urban regions within the capital of Berlin and between the rural regions in the large northeastern planes. They are accompanied by population based analytic data studies i.e. on the care for centenarians above 100, the care patterns of turkish migrants and the care for school kids. Finally GeWINO supports several initiatives to test the real world acceptance of innovative technologies in care i.e. AAL home technology for the elderly, telemedicine for stroke rehabilitation and tablet gaming during dementia. For collaboration with academic research and providers GeWINO has developed an analytic platform realizing data security by design and providing web access to approved research projects for academic an public partners (i.e. 8 Universities including Charite and 7 regional and state authorities).

Thomas Zahn